Addiction Recovery Month 11. Gratitude.

Coming up to a year in recovery, I’m starting to see things about myself and my life that I wasn’t aware of before. On top of that, I’m getting flooded with ideas for the final chaper of my book. So basically, I have a huge backlog of insights and ideas that I need to process and write down and my head is spinning from not knowing where to start with the task. 

The insights I’ve had are centred around two subjects: My family and my fear of success. But although I’ve become aware of these issues, I haven’t yet come up with a way to solve them and blogging about them would require me to start telling my story. But, there’s plenty of time for that and I’ve already lived with these issues all my life without even knowing about them.

Once the initial shock dies down, Im sure I’ll get more excited about it. I’m entering a new phase of my recovery and about to go through growth spurt. There’s no need to start writing it all down just yet. It’s not like I’m going to forget it. What I need is to just be thankful and to give myself some space to let it settle down. So there’s my task for today, finally, I’ve narrowed it down. Gratitude.

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